Photography Practice & Shameless Advertising


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One of my best friends is launching her very own Etsy shop and commissioned me to take some artistic/functional photos of her handmade jewelry.  Not only is it fantastic that she’s starting her own business, but I got to squeeze in some much needed practice.

Oh, and I got paid in frozen yogurt.  Best. Compensation. Ever.

First of all, if you’ve never been to one of those serve-it-yourself frozen yogurt places, stop reading my ramblings AND GO.  For some reason, throwing on large quantities of toppings yourself makes everything taste that much better.  There’s no gloomy teenager behind a counter who is only able to muster up enough strength to sprinkle on a light dusting of chocolate chips.  No, I could dump the whole bucket of cellulite-inducing goodness straight into my bowl if I so desired.

But I digress – my massive wealth in delectable frozen treats is beside the point of this post.  Let’s meet Em, our ambitious shop owner:

She even looks determined in this picture, like she’s ready to rip out that gate in an explosion of empowerment.  Now, Em is a freak of nature.  Not only is she drop dead gorgeous, but she’s incredibly talented.  If you love vintage-inspired jewelry, you’ll love her designs.

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Oh man, that was a sweet slideshow.  I had no idea that WordPress could do that!

Visit Em’s Etsy page by clicking THIS MAGICAL LINK !!